Scottsdale Association of Realtors Water Summit – MAY 2023

SAAR Water Summit 2023


The speakers touched on the state’s impressive water management history, the current state of the Colorado River, and the challenges that the state faces in securing adequate water supplies for the future. The speakers also discussed the importance of water conservation, groundwater management, and the need for new water sources.


  • 💧 Arizona has a long history of water leadership and has successfully managed its water resources to support significant population and economic growth.
  • 📈 The Colorado River system is facing significant challenges due to drought and climate change. The speakers discussed the ongoing negotiations to address the water shortage and the potential impacts on Arizona’s water supply.
  • 🏘️ The speakers highlighted the importance of the groundwater management act and the need to preserve it.
  • 💡 The speakers emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to water management, including conservation, efficient water use, and the development of new water sources.
  • 🤝 The speakers stressed the importance of collaboration and cooperation among stakeholders in addressing Arizona’s water challenges.

Audio – Entire Event – Download / Listen Now

2023 SAAR Water Summit – (Audio – Entire Event)

May 2023 Water Summit Speakers

Scottsdale REALTORS®Rebecca Grossman
Arizona Department of Water ResourcesClint Chandler
Deputy Director
Arizona Department of Water Resources
Overview of AZ water: sources, primary uses/users, historical use, conservation and sustainability… how does the dept effectively manage AZs water? New Innovation?
CAPPatrick Dent
Assistant General Manager, Water Policy
Overview of CAP, where CAP water comes from…who regulates …what is AZ’s portion …uses/users, conservation, sustainability, historic and current demand, how is future demand being managed? Latest news…drought level, regulation update
EPCORThomas Loquvam
General Counsel & Vice President of Policy
Overview of EPCOR, where water comes from…who regulates …AZ’s portion …uses/users, conservation, sustainability, historic and current demand, how is future demand being managed? Any future service areas? Where does water supply come from for future service areas?
Scottsdale WaterGretchen Baumgardner
Water Policy Manager
Overview of Scottsdale Water, where water comes from…who regulates …AZ’s portion …uses/users, conservation, sustainability, historic and current demand, how is future demand being managed? Innovation ideas?
Arizona State UniversityClaire Lauer, PhD
Prof. – Interdisciplinary Humanities & Communication, Assoc. Professor – Institute for Social Science Research Affiliated Faculty

Sarah Porter
Director, Kyl Center for Water Policy, Morrison Institute, ASU
How does ASU engage on the issue of water policy? (Government, stakeholders, economic development, real estate agents) What tools and information resources does ASU have available on water in AZ? * Tools for Real estate agents.  Share survey
Arizona Alliance for GolfKatie Prendergast
Executive Director
What is this organization? How do golf courses conserve water effectively? How do they continue to minimize their water use? Data/stats… innovations?
Scottsdale REALTORS®Rebecca Grossman
Panel Moderator

Introduction, Program Guide and Speaker Bios


2023 SAAR Water Summit – Rebecca Grossman, CEO, Scottsdale Association of Realtors (Audio)


Clint Chandler, Deputy Director, AZ Dept of Water Resources


Patrick Dent, Assistant General Manager of Water Policy, CAP


Thomas Loquvam, General Counsel Vice President of Policy, EPCOR


2023 SAAR Water Summit – Thomas Loquvam, General Counsel Vice President of Policy, EPCOR (Audio)


Gretchen Baumgardner, Water Policy Manager, City of Scottsdale


2023 SAAR Water Summit – Gretchen Baumgardner, Water Policy Manager, City of Scottsdale (Audio)


Claire Lauer & Sarah Porter – PHD, ASU, Morrison Institute


2023 SAAR Water Summit – Claire Lauer and Sarah Porter – PHD, ASU, Morrison Institute (Audio)


Katie Prendergast, Executive Director, Arizona Alliance For Golf


2023 SAAR Water Summit – Katie Prendergast, Executive Director, Arizona Alliance For Golf (Audio)


Wrap Up Panel Discussion


2023 SAAR Water Summit – Wrap Up Panel Discussion (Audio)


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